Electrical Maintenance Solutions

Siddall’s Law of Electrical Maintenance - Turn it off and service it at a time of your choosing or it will turn itself off and demand repair at a time you did not chose and will not like.

Let us help you tailor a maintenance package to your unique needs and interpret the findings into a coherent plan of action for best in class operation of your critical electrical system assets.

Electrical System Maintenance - Something you have been told you have to do. A necessary activity and a cost and disruption to your business.

At Siddall Solutions, we see it a bit differently. We see opportunity.

To improve system reliability and reduce down time.

To minimize repair costs.

To maximize equipment life spans and return the maximum service life for the original capital investment in the system

To predict necessary replacements and upgrades. Planned repair or upgrade is always less expensive than emergency work. When the lights are off, it is hard to negotiate a best price.

To select the right maintenance frequency and practices for best use of maintenance budget. Too much and too often is wasteful. Too little and to seldom is catastrophic.

Siddall Solutions approach to electrical maintenance has been developed by over 30 years of practice and results in Commercial, Industrial and Institutional facilities.